FROM ELLIOT ZORENSKY, President, Board of Directors, Pacific Palisades Business Improvement District

Clean and Beautiful: Chrysalis is doing a wonderful job keeping our BID Village clean and beautiful. As we near the opening of the new Caruso Village in September, we are focusing on improving the appearance of the district as a whole. We are encouraging all businesses to tidy up so we can present a cohesive, shiny village that shoppers will enjoy in entirety in late September. We plan to performed a pressure washing of the sidewalks to clean up from the smooched Ficus berries following our famous 4thof July Parade. It is amazing how much trash our Chrysalis workers actually pick up. We hope we can find a way to encourage more recycling in the future.

Communication & Marketing: We are working on a marketing campaign to ask business owners to donate money towards our clean/beautiful expenses to replace the campaign that The Chamber of Commerce did in the past. Our website master has been researching options to allow donators to use a credit card to donate on our website. Our goal is to launch the campaign for year-end giving in late November. 
Management & Administration: We have successfully transitioned from sharing the cleaning responsibility with the Chamber of Commerce to being completely responsible for the process. We have made some budget adjustments to accommodate the increased expenses. Laurie Sale resigned as of May 31, 2018 as our Executive Manager. We want to lower our management expenses and will be working to manage our BID at a lower cost. Elliot Zorensky, our President, Lee Ford, our Treasurer, Susan Carroll and Staci Mitchel, our Bookkeeper, are working together in the transition. Since we have a small BID, we want to focus on spending our limited budget on beautifying our village.

The BID is thankful to the Methodist Church for allowing us to meet in their office for our monthly meetings. We will be moving our meetings to the Chamber of Commerce located at 15330 Antioch Street, in September following their remodel.

MEETING DATES FOR THE REST OF 2018 - First Wednesday of each month, at 8:30 AM, NO MEETING IN JULY, 2018 - Wed, October 3, 2018 - Wed, November 7, 2018 (Our annual Board Meeting) - Wed, December 5, 2018


Elliot Zorensky,

President, Pacific Palisades Business Improvement District


​​​NEWSLETTER - MARCH 31, 2018
 President, Board of Directors, Pacific Palisades Business Improvement District

We are going to be raising our assessments by 3% for 2019. We must do this because the cost of labor and minimum wage, has continued to increase, and we are now assuming all of the cleanup costs in the district, as the Chamber of Commerce will not be contributing money going forward. This is a large expense and we do not want to have to cut services in the village. The clean portion of the BID is our main mandate. 

As we move closer to the opening of the Village Project, we again hope that every property owner takes the steps to spruce up their properties in advance of the opening in September, 2018. We hope you might consider fresh paint, replacement awnings, cleaned up plantings, and repairing any broken or damaged items on your properties. We advocate that you tell your tenants to do the same in their shops or offices. New Village tenants will be bringing their "best game" to their new locations, and we want the existing district to be competitive. We look forward to new businesses, new customers, new visitors and a renewed positive vision for our district. 

We continue to be very thankful to the Methodist Church for welcoming us into their office for our monthly meetings. 

All of our agendas and other important information continues to be available on our webpage Stay up to date with the BID on the website or on Facebook (Pacific Palisades Business Improvement District). We'd STILL LIKE TO HAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESSES: please send yours to

Elliot Zorensky
Elliot Zorensky, President

Clean and Beautiful:
Trash Hauling: Overall, the new trash hauling sytem has been going well. We have not heard any major complaints and this is great news. Thanks to everyone for working to make this a successful transfer of services.

Our Clean Team, Chrysalis; Chrysalis has been doing a terrific job in the district. We are currently having to use a dumpster, under the new City of LA rules, which adds a significant cost to our Clean Budget. We are currently working with other local non-profit groups to see if they would be interested in sharing the cost and service. Although we have received some funds from the Chamber to cover approximately 5 months of their share of Chrysalis services, we are budgeting for an increase in our monthly "clean" expenditures. We are working with Chrysalis to make sure that our power washing efforts are done at times that will not disturb the residents who live along sidewalks that are pressure washed. Recently, one of the Chrysalis workers was hit by a car, while working. Thankfully, after being transported to the urgent care, he was released the same day. We are glad to report that he is fine and has returned to work.


Communication & Marketing: Our website and our Facebook page are updated frequently. We are moving forward with our plans to install twinkle lights along Sunset Blvd., and our ad hoc group will have ongoing reports for us.

Management & Administration: Spending is in line with our 2018 budget. We are happy to report that our BID has been chosen by CD11 for a pilot program with Department of Transportation “DOT”, whereby a percentage of monies collected in local parking meters, will be given as a "credit" to our BID for future DOT programs. This is very exciting, and we should have more information on this during the next quarter. By increasing our assessments for next year by 3%, we can continue to provide the quality clean services for the district. 

A city sidewalk vending ordinance has been approved by the City Council and was written without the “opt out” provision we were hoping for. It is being written as we speak and should go in to effect later this year. The State is still looking at this and we hope they will include an opt out provision. 

Our community liaisons, Lisa Cahill from CD11 and SLO Michael Moore continue to keep us abreast of important community matters.

MEETING DATES FOR THE REST OF 2018 - First Wednesday of each month, at 8:30 AM. 
Wednesday, June 6, 2018 - NO MEETING IN JULY, 2018 - Wednesday, August 1, 2018 - Wednesday, September 5, 2018 - Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - Wednesday, November 7, 2018 (Our annual Board Meeting) - Wednesday, December 5, 2018

All the best,
Laurie Sale
Executive Manager



 President, Board of Directors, Pacific Palisades Business Improvement District

Trash Hauling: Amanda Mejia, the Government Affairs Manager, met with us in September with updates on the recycLA trashing hauling changes. She encourages business owners to lower trash hauling bills by accessing the free Recycling, both the Blue bin and Green Organic waste bin. She is willing to educate business owners and tenants. Please contact her at or 818-485-8150 or 626-413-0384.

Our Clean Team, Chrysalis: As you can see by the chart below, Chrysalis workers collect a tremendous amount of trash working in our village two days a week. They also do a power wash of the sidewalks twice a year, once after July 4thand once after Halloween.

Communication & Marketing: When the BID was first formed, we entered into a venture with the Chamber of Commerce, to hire Chrysalis to keep our district clean, including picking up trash, removing graffiti, and disposing of bulk items. Last year, the Chamber decided to NOT be in the maintenance business anymore. For 14 years, the Chamber of Commerce did a Street Maintenance Fundraiser to pay for the Chrysalis work. After much discussion in our meeting, we have decided that the BID must focus our business district and will not be able to assist with the fundraiser nor the cleaning of anything outside of our district beginning January 2019.

We are constantly updating our website. Please check out the new pictures we’ve added of Caruso’s Palisades Village, all part of our BID district.

Management & Administration: The BID monthly meetings are the first Wednesday of each month at 8:30AM. We meet in the newly remodeled Chamber of Commerce office located at 15330 Antioch Street. Please join us Wednesday, November 7thfor our annual board meeting.

Elliot Zorensky,
President, Pacific Palisades Business Improvement District
